We offer a wide variety of services for all aspects of feline care including;

  • Anesthesia
  • Behavioral Counseling
  • Boarding – See Below
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Laboratory
  • Prescription Food Sales
  • Radiological Services
  • Second Opinion Consultations
  • Surgery


Feline Wellness Profiles

As our feline friends get older they are unfortunately affected by many of the same ailments that affect us as we age.

Often these conditions progress very slowly and the early symptoms go unnoticed by even the most observant owner. By the time the cat is eventually presented to the veterinary clinic, the disease has often progressed to a much more advanced stage. That is why early detection is critical.

While many of the conditions are discovered during your cat’s annual physical examination, many of these can only be diagnosed with the aid of blood, urine or other tests.

At Exclusively Cats Veterinary Hospital we advise that all cats have the following tests performed annually to ensure the early diagnosis and treatment of many of the disease conditions that affect our cats as they age.

Middle Age Profile (6-10 years)
Complete Blood Count, 6 Panel Chemistry Profile, Mini Urinalysis

Geriatric Profile (11 + years)
Complete Blood Count, Full Chemistry profile, Thyroid Assay, Complete Urinalysis

As part of your cat’s annual wellness examination, we are offering these tests at a discount to you.

Your veterinary health care team will be happy to discuss these with you and answer any questions you may have.

Preanaesthetic Blood Testing

Thank you for choosing Exclusively Cats Veterinary Hospital for your cat’s care. We understand how important your feline friend is to you and take our responsibility, in providing that care, very seriously. Exclusively Cats Veterinary Hospital is dedicated to providing you and your cat with the most up to date and comprehensive care available.

Prior to performing an anaesthetic, each patient is given a thorough physical evaluation. Unfortunately, there can be any number of hidden or underlying medical conditions that are not readily apparent on physical exam. If undetected, these may cause complications with the anaesthetic procedure being performed. With that in mind, we offer Preanaesthetic Blood Testing to all of our patients undergoing an anaesthetic procedure.

These tests confirm your cat’s organs are functioning properly and to uncover any hidden conditions that could put your cat at risk. These also become part of your cat’s medical record, providing a baseline for future reference.

The tests vary depending on the age or health of your cat as well as the type of anaesthetic procedure being performed. The tests will require that we draw a small blood sample from your pet. This can be done up to 4 weeks prior to the surgery but for convenience, it is usually performed that same day prior to anaesthetic.

If you have any questions regarding Preanaesthetic Blood Testing, please feel free to contact us.

Intravenous Fluid Therapy for Anaesthetics

Intravenous fluid therapy is also advised for patients undergoing a general anaesthetic procedure.

Intravenous fluids

1) Keeps the patient optimally hydrated before, during and after the procedure which ensures a safer procedure.
2) Allows us to maintain the patient’s blood pressure at an optimal range to ensure proper perfusion of vital organs.
3) Allows immediate intravenous access, incase any medications are required during the anaesthetic procedure especially in an emergency.
4) A patient that is properly hydrated and perfused, metabolizes and eliminates the anaesthetic faster and thus wakes up faster with less nausea and side-effects.

If you have any questions regarding IV Fluid Therapy, please feel free to contact us.

Boarding Services

We offer a wide variety of boarding options for your cat’s comfort, from single kennels to our spacious Cat Condos. Whether it be one night or an extended stay we will ensure your cat is well cared for in your absence. We offer discounted rates for extended stays of a week or more. Please feel free to contact us to inquire about our rates and availability.

*Note - All cats admitted for boarding services to Exclusively Cats Veterinary Hospital must have been vaccinated against Feline Upper Respiratory Disease in the past 12 months.